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Nourished by diversity

Nourished by diversity

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Nourished by diversity

Do you already know what is your leadership style?

Would you like to lead with a service-oriented mindset and make a difference in the world?

“Nourished by Diversity” can help you on your journey with valuable insights gathered over two decades of research on leaders who have a core value of service.

This book explores the essential elements that fuel service-driven leaders, providing the sustenance they need to avoid exhaustion and continue to motivate their teams and communities.

One of these elements is diversity, and this book highlights real-life examples of leaders from different backgrounds who represent leadership styles that are both fulfilling and effective.

By learning from these stories, you will gain a deeper understanding of your own unique leadership qualities and feel inspired to put them into action.

This book encourages you to appreciate yourself and others for who they are, creating a more inclusive and supportive environment and culture.

By tapping into our shared humanity and embracing our individual talents, we can all become agents of positive change.

The time to act is now, and we can accomplish great things together as service-driven leaders.

So, let’s nourish ourselves, stay strong, and embark on this journey together.
Are you ready to shine and help others along the way? Let’s go!


+ The people who give you encouragement are leaders

+ The people who nurture the next generation are leaders

+ The people who help you trust yourself are leaders

Nourished by diversity

This book highlights 20 years of original research that focuses on people from around the world who lead their lives with a core value of service – and how they contribute to the well-being of people within their sphere of influence. 

We’ll explore the essential leadership “nutrients” that allow people to sustain their spark for service without burning out from the work that lights them up. 

One of the important leadership nutrients that supports every great service-driven leader is a thriving culture of diversity.

This book will highlight real-life heroes of different backgrounds who serve as Ambassadors of their respective Leadership Style, and how they’re able to lead their lives with joy, integrity & impact.

In connecting with each of them, our hope is that you’ll also appreciate more of your unique leadership qualities and feel inspired to put them into practice in your own valuable way. 

It’s difficult to create an inclusive environment that invites the valuable talents of others if we’re not more acquainted and confident in our own capacities.

So this book is for you if you’re ready, willing, and available to explore a way of seeing yourself and also seeing others…through the lens of appreciation.

With this vantage point more primed and clear, we all become more powerful agents of positive change for the well-being of everyone… not by changing who we are, but by becoming more of who we truly are.

It begins by excavating and practicing more of our shared humanity and realizing that we can each be a leader by the way we choose to lead our lives.

This is your time, this is our time. 

We can do big, bright, bold, beautiful things when we’re nourished, strong, and supported by fellow service-driven leaders. 

May you continue to shine and be supported as your path unfolds.

Nourished by diversity

The author

Jaleh Zandieh Headshot Speaker (Red)-min

Jaleh is a Passion Project Success Strategist and Mindful Movement Mentor, speaker & facilitator.

She empowers conscious leaders and professionals to release the painful blocks that limit and sabotage their success – so they can speak and move with authentic confidence and do the work they feel called to do.

Her vision is to have the majority of women in the world become wise stewards of their energy, have the healthiest hearts and happiest homes so that they be radiant agents of positive change in their communities.

She believes that one vital key to improving the world is to empower girls and women— because when they are thriving, everyone benefits.

Jaleh´s signature systems Brilliant Heart Mastermind & HipHop Meditation global movements are currently empowering adults and children in over 28 countries. Her mission is to train generations mastering mindful living by creating experiences for people to tune in, access and honor their unique super powers – so they can create from their authentic truth with ease and grace.

Her clients have referred to her as their “Confidence Catalyst”, “Dream Doula”, “Clarity Activator”, “Gentle Commander”, “Right Hand Lady”, “Fountain of Flow”. She teaches people to release the limitations of “or” and welcome them to the “Land of AND” – where more amazing possibilities and potential exist.
Jaleh’s passion, training and experience in health care and wellness for the past 15 years in 4 countries creates game-changing shifts for people to feel comfortable in their skin— both physically & emotionally.

She blends her Western and Eastern education from the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia with her training in China & Tibet to guide people to discover their clarity & confidence “Sweet Spot” to feel strong, confident and alive. Jaleh loves nurturing the nurturers of our world—so they can sustain their valuable energy, light and creativity from the Overflow (not stay stuck in overwhelm).

Jaleh was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, studied in Philadelphia & China and currently lives in beautiful northern Portugal with her husband since 2012. She is fortunate to have found that she can feel at home in many parts of the world.

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